What can I do to reverse the Great Resignation? Part 3 in a 3-part Infographic Series Part 3: What can I do? 1.The strongest influences of turnover include: Compensation: Salary Career Advancement / Promotion Communication Respect / Appreciation Family / Personal...
Who is quitting in the Great Resignation? Part 2 of the NEW Infographic Series Reverse the impact of the Great Resignation with this infographic… AND data-driven exit interview software from Retensa Part 2: Who is quitting? Employee turnover increased across almost...
The Great Resignation = The highest change in employee turnover rate in the last 10 years Now is a time with a rapid increase in job openings, dramatic decline in unemployment, and a high percentage of employees who highly dislike their job. There is no stopping...
Why Exit Interview Programs Fail Let’s start with the bad news. More than half of current exit interview programs do NOT deliver “meaningful” results. Below are the three most common reasons exit interview programs fail: Too hard to consistently send/manage/collect...
The Reality of Exit Interview Programs For employees, exit interviews are perhaps the last interaction that they have with their employer. So, will the exit interview have a positive impression of your organization? Will the exit interview questions provide insight on...