What can I do to reverse the Great Resignation?

Part 3 in a 3-part Infographic Series

Part 3: What can I do?

1.The strongest influences of turnover include:

  • Compensation: Salary
  • Career Advancement / Promotion
  • Communication
  • Respect / Appreciation
  • Family / Personal Reasons

Use employee pulse surveys to capture the state of each with your workforce

2.Get a 5-10% reduction in turnover rate with exit interview data from a data-driven retention program (HINT: distinguish between primary and secondary turnover drivers)

Deploy an exit interview program to predict who will quit

3.Givers of gratitude are 3X more likely to find meaning and purpose in their work and receivers of gratitude are 4X happier at work

Train managers to deliver positive and constructive employee feedback in real time

The fastest way to stop the Great Resignation is to predict who will quit. Reduce the impact of your resignations at https://exitpro.com/exit-interview-experts/

See the complete infographic series here:

Part 1: “What is it?”

Part 2: “Who is quitting?”

Part 3: “What can I do?”

Embed Great Resignation Infographic Part 3: “What can I do?” on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below

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